Peer-to-Peer Tool Sharing
role timeline team SKILLS TOOLS
Product designer Jan - March 2023 4 Designers Interaction Design Figma
UX Research
Visual Design
This project addresses an aspect of a sharing economy that encourages Kirseberg, a local neighborhood in Malmö, to have a positive impact on their personal finances and environment through the act of sharing with their community. This is by sharing with neighbors what one already has at your home, strengthening the community spirit, and minimizing consumption of goods.
I looked into existing “sharing” initiatives both in Kirseberg, Malmö, and also drew inspiration from communities around the world to create a service that meets community needs and invites innovative practices.
Problem Statement
How might we utilize and broaden the notion of the library being an existing facility for sharing to meet additional needs?
What: tools
Tools and similar equipment are seldomly used items that are found in most households. Because of their longstanding quality, tools are generally pricey items to purchase for infrequent use which can result in being underutilized and items that occupy a lot of space.
how: Peer-to-Peer Sharing
If a single item owned by one person can be shared by a large number of people, the impacts on consumption of resources can be profound, and in this manner, the notion switches from merely storing/ selling an item to offering a service in the community
Fieldwork Research Insights
Final Design: Sherry App
Embracing Circular Economy in Lending
The Sherry App provides a platform that allows residents to lend and borrow tools. It provides accessibility, establishes trust, and grants users the ability to share on their own terms.
Sherry App Design
The Sherry Box: Library Drop Off Shelf
Peer to peer sharing initiative for tool'
Borrowers & lenders use the library as a space to collect & drop off tool'
Library space encourages trust
User Journey
The Sherrybox
Challenges & Solutions
Special Thanks
Harald, Hannes and everyone in Kirseberg library for the constant support and motivation throughout the course
Inna and her associates in Drevet for organising the workshop and providing us with insightful advices & support